Friday, November 03, 2006

That Penn Party Was Da Bomb

Courtesy of The Appletonian, a blog by a University of Pennsylvania student, comes this picture from a recent Halloween party in Philadelphia. The woman on the right is Amy Gutmann, the president of the University of Pennsylvania. The young man on the left, dressed as a suicide bomber, is a Penn student. The Appletonian asks the obvious yet excellent question-would Gutmann have posed with the bomber and smiled so brightly if he instead came to the party as a Nazi or a member of the KKK? Sadly, in the Ivy League, you could now ask the same question about a student dressed as an IDF soldier. Imagine the outrage.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the link. I, like most everyone else, was shocked when I saw the photo. Don't have a clue what the woman was thinking thinking.

The Appletonian

Anonymous said...

Maybe they came as a pair...he's the suicide bomber and she's the virgin...

Yishai said...

Just an update: She apologized and said she didn't realize what he was wearing when she posed for the picture. full post here (yup, LGF):